We connect. To accelerate the sustainable and digital transformation.

We are an important hub in connecting startups, investors and innovators. Together, we are changing the way we live, work and communicate for the better. To accelerate this digital and sustainable transformation, we foster knowledge exchange between all parties with our community formats.

Because one thing is clear: only with collaboration, partnerships and the expansion of our ecosystem will we manage to shape the future in a more digital and greener way.

Events & Communities
Beetwen the towers


Europe's largest B2B-event for sustainable innovations

Not only do we talk about sustainability, but at the Impact Festival we bring together the most important startups and scale-ups with entrepreneurs and investors to drive the digital and sustainable transformation of the business world.

Frau mit Tafel in der Hand auf dem Festival

Beetwen the towers

Our well-established event series interlinks the German digital finance ecosystem.

At Between the Towers (BtT), we bring together thought leaders from the finance, sustainability, startup and tech scenes. Experts give keynote speeches on current trends and discuss them afterwards. BtT is the perfect opportunity to learn about current trends and to network.

Let’s talk about innovation!

Our podcast

Thanks to our podcast “Talk Between the Towers” you stay informed about the latest financial services, sustainability and tech trends! From the heart of Frankfurt, we provide you with everything you need to know about the topics of the future together with our guests.

We regularly welcome start-up founders and experts from the financial sector as well as from science, politics and business. The episodes are recorded in German.

The payment card for refugees: Game changer or challenge? (#109)

In Germany, asylum seekers are to receive a payment card with a fixed budget in future to make it easier to organize their financial affairs. Among other things, the card will make it possible to manage support funds digitally and reduce the physical handling of cash.

Pliant – Revolution for the credit card sector? (#108)

Credit cards have become indispensable, especially in a professional context. However, they present many companies with major challenges when it comes to implementation. This is exactly what Pliant wants to change and make credit card management as uncomplicated, flexible and cost-efficient as possible.

Human vs. AI – Financial advice of the future (#107)

Artificial intelligence is on everyone’s lips – what does this mean for the job of financial advisor? Will it soon be obsolete and will AI take over everything? Answers in our podcast.

Whats up?


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Ob morgens in der Bahn, in der Mittagspause oder abends auf dem Sofa: Unser Newsletter informiert euch jeden Monat über alle Trends der VC-, Nachhaltigkeits- und Tech-Szene. Darüber hinaus halten wir euch mit unseren aktuellen Veranstaltungs- und Community-Formaten auf dem Laufenden.