AI update: Where are the finance use cases? (#102)

The last time we talked about artificial intelligence and financial services was 1.5 years ago. Now it’s time for a big AI update: where are the revolutionary use cases? And what has happened in the field of AI in recent months?

Financial Education meets Embedded Brokerage (#101)

From now on, every company can offer share trading! At least that is the promise of many embedded brokerage providers. One of them is, which has now announced its first customer, the financial education start-up beatvest.

MiCAR, Bitcoin ETF – Golden crypto times? (#100)

For our 100th podcast episode, we thought of something special and filled our studio (virtually) to the brim. The result is a lively discussion about digital assets, the MiCAR (Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation) regulation and Bitcoin ETFs.

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