15.05.2023 04:31 PM

Quantum Computing – Revolutionizing the future of computational power

Introduction to the Basics of Quantum Computing

Futuristic Graphic
Today, we’re embarking on a fascinating journey through the realm of quantum computing. Before we delve into the intricacies, let’s take a step back and appreciate the history of this revolutionary concept and understand why it’s vital in today’s world.

The idea of quantum computing was born out of the mind-bending world of quantum mechanics. Theoretical physicist Richard Feynman, was among the first to suggest that quantum mechanics could give rise to a new kind of computer in the 1980s. Feynman proposed that a quantum computer would be an exceptional tool to simulate and understand nature, as nature itself behaves quantum mechanically.

Fast-forward a few decades, and quantum computing has shifted from abstract theory to tangible reality. Several tech giants, startups, and academic labs are racing to build a practical quantum computer, each using slightly different approaches. IBM, Google, Microsoft, and many others are investing billions into this innovative technology.

IBM and Google are leading the race in many respects. IBM was one of the pioneers in providing cloud-based quantum computing services with its IBM Q Experience. Google, on the other hand, made headlines in 2019 when it claimed to have achieved “quantum supremacy” by performing a task on a quantum computer that would be virtually impossible on a classical machine.

But why should we care about this innovation? Quantum computers promise to solve problems far beyond the capabilities of classical computers. They could revolutionize many industries, from developing new drugs and materials by simulating their behaviors at a quantum level, to optimizing complex systems like global supply chains or financial markets, and even transforming the field of cryptography. You can already experience the first power of quantum computers: The Quantum Computing Playground is a Chrome Experiment or web app using WebGL to simulate up to 22 qubits (we’ll explain later in the article what they are) on a GPU. What are qubits? Strawberry Fields is an open-source quantum programming architecture for quantum machine learning. And IBM’s 5 qubit gate-level quantum processor on the web allows the users to apply to get access to it.

However, building a practical, error-free quantum computer is a formidable challenge. It’s a bit like climbing a mountain – we have a long way to go, but the view from the top will be worth it.

Difference between Traditional and Quantum Computers

As we now understand the three basic types of quantum computing, let’s take a deeper dive into the differences between traditional and quantum computers. For a clearer understanding, we will build upon the analogy of a landscape.

Consider a vast, intricate landscape with numerous peaks and valleys, where each valley represents a potential solution to a problem. Now, imagine traditional computing as a hiker and quantum computing as a bird.

The hiker (traditional computer) begins at a single point on the landscape and has to traverse the terrain foot by foot. They can only take one path at a time, checking each valley (solution) sequentially. If the hiker encounters a mountain (complex problem), they must climb over it or walk around it. This approach can be slow, and it’s also possible that the hiker may get stuck in a deep valley thinking it’s the lowest point, missing the actual optimal solution located elsewhere. Even more powerful classical machines need to take a look at the landscape in sequential terms. The hiker might have more stamina, better gear or other helping tools, but is still constraint by how he moves through the landscape.

On the other hand, the bird (quantum computer) has a bird’s-eye view of the entire landscape. It can simultaneously see all the valleys and even fly directly to the lowest point. It can easily soar over mountains and doesn’t get stuck in a single valley. This is possible because of the quantum properties of superposition and entanglement.

Superposition allows a quantum bit, or qubit, to be in multiple states at once, unlike classical bits that can only be in one state (0 or 1) at a time. In our analogy, this is like the bird being able to see all paths at once.

Entanglement is a unique quantum phenomenon where pairs of qubits become linked, such that the state of one qubit is directly related to the state of another, no matter how far apart they are. In our landscape, this would be as if knowing the altitude of one valley could instantly tell you the altitude of another valley on the opposite side of the landscape.

Quantum computers, like the bird, have the potential to find the optimal solution much faster and more efficiently than traditional computers. They promise a computational power that could solve complex problems currently beyond our reach. However, much like training a bird, building and programming a quantum computer is a complex task, and we are still in the early days of harnessing its full potential. This exciting field promises a new paradigm in computing, and we’re only just beginning to scratch the surface of its possibilities.


In the quantum computing landscape, the quantum bit, or qubit, reigns supreme. These qubits are the reason quantum computers, like the bird in our analogy, have the potential to explore multiple paths simultaneously and solve complex problems more efficiently.

A qubit is the quantum analogue of a classical bit, the fundamental unit of information in traditional computing. A classical bit can exist in one of two states: 0 or 1. Think of it as a switch that can be either off (0) or on (1). However, a qubit can exist in a state corresponding to 0, a state corresponding to 1, and states that are a superposition of both, thanks to a quantum property called superposition.

To visualize this, picture a sphere where the north and south poles represent the classical states of 0 and 1. Unlike a classical bit, which can be at either pole, a qubit can exist at any point within this sphere, thereby representing a superposition of the 0 and 1 states. This means that a qubit can, in some sense, represent 0 and 1 simultaneously, giving quantum computers their computational prowess. A consequence of superposition is interference. Qubit states can interfere with each other because each state is described by a probability amplitude, just like the amplitudes of waves. Constructive interference enhances amplitude, while destructive interference cancels out amplitude.

Qubits Graphic

However, it’s essential to clarify a common misconception at this point: a quantum computer does not “test every possible solution at once.” While superposition allows a quantum computer to represent a multitude of possibilities simultaneously, it doesn’t independently examine every single solution. Instead, it uses quantum algorithms, which are series of operations or ‘gates’, to manipulate the superposition of states in a qubit, leading to constructive and destructive interference. This interference increases the probability of finding the correct answer and decreases the probability of landing on incorrect ones.

Finally, when a measurement is performed on the qubits, their quantum state collapses from the superposition state to a single state, representing one possible solution. The real power of quantum computing lies in designing quantum algorithms so that the correct solution has a high probability of being observed when a measurement is made.

In summary, qubits, through the quantum property of superposition, offer a vast computational landscape to explore simultaneously. They don’t blindly test every possible solution but use the principles of quantum mechanics to guide a probabilistic yet incredibly efficient search through the solution space.

Quantum Entanglement

In our journey through the quantum computing landscape, we’ve explored the concept of superposition and how it empowers qubits to explore multiple paths simultaneously. Now, it’s time to introduce another critical quantum concept: entanglement. This property takes our bird’s-eye view of the landscape to a whole new level, allowing our bird to understand correlations between the valleys instantaneously, no matter how far apart they are.

Quantum entanglement, in essence, allows two or more qubits to become so intimately correlated that the state of one qubit depends on the state of the other, regardless of the distance separating them. This phenomenon defies our usual understanding of the world and has no real analogue in classical physics.

Imagine two entangled birds: if one flies low, the other will also fly low, no matter how far apart they are. If one flies high, the other will as well. This happens instantaneously, with no apparent communication between them. Entangled qubits always correlate with each other to form a single system. Even when they’re infinitely far apart, measuring the state of one of the qubits allows us to know the state of the other, without needing to measure it directly. This is the wonder of quantum entanglement.

Quantum entanglement graphic

This property is essential for many quantum algorithms, such as Shor’s algorithm for factorization and Grover’s algorithm for database search. Shor’s algorithm is a quantum algorithm that can efficiently factorize large numbers into their prime factors. This is a problem that is believed to be intractable for classical computers, but Shor’s algorithm can solve it in polynomial time on a quantum computer. Factoring large numbers is a problem that is central to many modern cryptographic systems, and the difficulty of factoring large numbers is what makes these systems secure.

The entanglement of qubits enables a phenomenon known as quantum parallelism. In this context, parallelism doesn’t mean doing all potential calculations simultaneously (as we clarified in our discussion of superposition) but rather it refers to the coordinated manipulation of entangled qubits.

By exploiting entanglement, quantum algorithms can choreograph a ballet of qubits, where the state of each qubit is interdependent with the states of others. This intricate dance allows quantum computers to traverse the computational landscape in ways classical computers simply can’t, leading to potential exponential speedups for certain types of problems. A quantum computer is able to encode all input strings of length N simultaneously into a single computational step. In other words, the quantum computer is able simultaneously to pursue N^2 classical paths, indicating that a quantum computer is significantly more powerful than a classical one.

But entanglement isn’t just about speed. It also has profound implications for the security of quantum communication protocols. Because entangled states are highly sensitive to measurement and cannot be cloned without disturbing their state, they offer a way to transmit information securely over long distances, impervious to eavesdropping.

In sum, entanglement is a fundamental, albeit strange, property of quantum systems. It’s this ‘spooky action at a distance,‘ as Einstein once called it, that underpins many of the potential advantages and applications of quantum computing. From speeding up computations to secure communications, entanglement is set to transform our computational landscape, turning what was once science fiction into reality.

What are Quantum Computing Types

Now, let’s touch upon the different types of quantum computing. Primarily, there are three types: 1) Quantum Annealer, 2) Analog Quantum Simulations, and 3) Universal Quantum.

Quantum Annealer

A quantum annealer is a unique type of quantum computer that leverages quantum mechanics to tackle intricate optimization problems. Let’s consider an optimization problem as a terrain with various valleys and peaks. The objective is to identify the deepest valley, symbolizing the optimal solution or minimum value.

Conventional computing approaches this challenge similar to a hiker navigating through the terrain, exploring one route at a time in search of the deepest valley. This process can be laborious and might not necessarily result in the best possible solution.

On the other hand, a quantum annealer, armed with the power of quantum superposition and tunneling, has the capacity to ‘investigate’ several routes all at once. Moreover, it has the ability to ‘burrow’ directly through the mountains to locate the deepest valleys, thus pinpointing the optimal solution with higher efficiency.

Quantum annealers come in especially handy for tasks such as financial modeling, machine learning, logistics, and drug discovery, where finding the best solutions within extensive problem spaces is of paramount importance.

Graphic Quantum Annealer

Analog Quantum Simulations

Analog Quantum Simulations provide an alternate route in the realm of quantum computing. Rather than tackling optimization problems akin to quantum annealers, they are engineered to simulate and investigate intricate quantum systems.

Indeed, quantum systems, such as molecules or quantum magnetic materials, abide by the principles of quantum mechanics. These principles are often challenging to comprehend and forecast using traditional computers. Yet, an analog quantum simulator, being a quantum system in its own right, can replicate another quantum system’s behavior. This replication makes the exploration of these complex systems a feasible task.

For instance, researchers could employ an analog quantum simulator to delve into the mysteries of high-temperature superconductors or decode intricate chemical reactions at a quantum level. Such studies could pave the way for revolutionary breakthroughs in the fields of materials science and chemistry.

Graphic Analog Quantum

Universal Quantum

The Universal Quantum computer, commonly referred to as gate-based quantum computing, is the most aspirational and promising variant of quantum computing. This model takes cues from conventional computers that execute computations using a series of logic gates to process bits.

In the realm of universal quantum computing, quantum gates carry out operations on qubits. However, distinct from classical bits, qubits can exist in a superposition state, thus holding significantly more information. Furthermore, they can be entangled, a distinct quantum phenomenon where one qubit’s state is intrinsically tied to another’s, irrespective of the physical distance separating them.

The amalgamation of these quantum properties enables a universal quantum computer to conduct a vast number of computations simultaneously. Consequently, it could potentially solve problems currently beyond the reach of classical computers, such as factoring large numbers for cryptography or simulating the behavior of extensive quantum systems.

Universal Quantum computers represent the pinnacle of quantum computing research due to their potential for wide-ranging application and immense computational prowess. However, fabricating a scalable, error-corrected universal quantum computer is still a formidable challenge and an active area of research.

Graphic Universal Quantum

In essence, each type of quantum computer offers unique capabilities, holding immense potential to revolutionize various fields and solve problems beyond the reach of classical computers.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantum Computers

Armed with the landscape analogy, let’s explore the advantages and potential challenges associated with quantum computing.


Like the bird in our analogy, the ability of quantum computers to simultaneously explore multiple solutions gives them a significant edge over traditional computers in certain computational tasks. Here are some notable advantages:

  1. Superior Speed and Efficiency: Quantum computers, due to superposition, can process a vast number of possibilities all at once, potentially solving complex problems much faster than traditional computers.
  2. Complex Simulations: Quantum computers can simulate complex quantum systems, such as modeling molecular interactions or predicting material properties, tasks that are currently intractable for classical machines.
  3. Optimization Problems: Quantum computers are promising for solving optimization issues, such as finding the most efficient delivery routes for logistics or the best investment strategy in finance.
  4. Cryptography: Quantum computers could revolutionize cryptography, both positively, by providing quantum encryption techniques, and disruptively, by potentially breaking current encryption algorithms.


However, just as training a bird can be a challenging task, there are significant hurdles to building practical, scalable quantum computers. Here are a few key challenges:

  1. Error Correction Quantum systems are highly susceptible to environmental noise, leading to errors in computation. Developing effective quantum error correction methods is a significant ongoing research area.
  2. Scalability: Building a large-scale quantum computer is a formidable challenge due to the delicate nature of maintaining quantum states.
  3. Cooling Requirements: Quantum computers need to be cooled to near absolute zero temperatures to minimize environmental noise, making them expensive and difficult to maintain.
  4. Programming Complexity: Quantum algorithms fundamentally differ from classical ones, requiring a new approach to programming and problem-solving.

In essence, quantum computing holds immense potential, and its advantages could revolutionize various fields. However, the challenges are substantial and much research and development are needed before quantum computers become commonplace. The journey is akin to training our bird to not only fly over the landscape but also understand and navigate it efficiently. It’s a grand quest, but the view from the top promises to be worth the climb.

Will Quantum Computing Replace Traditional Computing?

As we traverse the exciting terrain of quantum computing, a question often arises: Will quantum computers replace our everyday classical computers? The answer, most likely, is no.

Think back to our landscape analogy. While the bird (quantum computer) excels at viewing the entire landscape and finding the lowest point (optimal solution), the hiker (classical computer) is more adept at navigating a single, straightforward path efficiently. Similarly, quantum computers are designed to tackle complex, computationally intensive problems that are currently out of reach for classical computers.

However, classical computers are extremely proficient at handling everyday tasks, like browsing the internet, word processing, or running business software. They do so at a fraction of the cost and complexity of quantum computers.

Thus, it’s more accurate to view quantum computers as a powerful complement to classical computers, rather than a replacement. They will co-exist, each playing to their strengths, providing us with a comprehensive tool set for tackling the computational challenges of the future.To better understand the differences between the two types, please take a look at the following table that compares the two:

Table shows a comparision between quantum computing and traditional computing

Modular Supercomputers

As we navigate the intricate terrain of computational technologies, it’s crucial to distinguish between the key players: quantum computers and supercomputers. Let’s revisit our bird-eye perspective to help us understand their differences and potential synergies.

Picture a supercomputer as a vast flock of birds, with each bird capable of scrutinizing a specific patch of the landscape. Collectively, this flock can cover a large portion of the territory, doing so much quicker than a single bird could. However, unlike our quantum bird, each supercomputer ‘bird’ is limited to observing a single point at a time.

Graphic Modular Supercomputers

Supercomputers stand out due to their computational speed, achieved by parallel processing, where multiple processors work on distinct parts of a problem at the same time. Each processor is a powerful classical computer in itself, and their combined capabilities allow supercomputers to address complex computational tasks. But, classical physics’ constraints still bind these processors, so they can’t leverage the unique benefits of quantum mechanics like quantum computers can. Also, here, take a look at the following table to better understand the key differences between supercomputers and quantum computers:

Table shows a comparision between super computer and quantum computer

Shifting our focus to modular supercomputers, these machines comprise several modules, essentially smaller independent computers, each equipped with its own memory and operating system. These modules can be allocated to different tasks, enhancing adaptability and efficiency. Picture a modular supercomputer as a flock of birds dividing themselves across the landscape based on where their efforts are needed the most.

The Value and Benefits of Quantum Computing for Modular Supercomputers

Quantum computers can be a game-changer when incorporated into modular supercomputers. They excel at handling complicated calculations involving numerous variables and offer potential for exponential speed enhancements. These features make them a thrilling prospect for the modular supercomputer ‘flock.’

By dedicating a quantum module within a supercomputer for tasks that are ideally suited for quantum computation (such as optimization problems or quantum system simulations), we can create a kind of ‘best of both worlds’ arrangement. This integration allows us to tap into the raw computational might and versatility of supercomputers, coupled with the unique quantum capacities of quantum computers.

In essence, supercomputers and quantum computers navigate the same computational terrain, but their approaches differ fundamentally. Supercomputers, including their modular versions, harness their immense computational power and parallelism to cover large territories swiftly. Quantum computers, on the other hand, use quantum mechanics principles to delve into the landscape in ways that are out of reach for classical computers. It’s the harmonious blending of these two powerful technologies that could shape the future of computing.


As we conclude our journey through the intricate yet captivating world of quantum computing, we’ve delved into how this breakthrough technology stands to redefine our computational paradigms. We’ve compared quantum computers to birds, using their unique perspectives, harnessing superposition and entanglement, to tackle intricate problems more effectively. In contrast, we’ve looked at supercomputers and their capacity to process vast data swaths rapidly, using parallel processing. Moreover, we’ve ventured into the exciting realm where quantum modules integrated within modular supercomputers bring together quantum computing’s strengths and supercomputers’ raw power, creating a hybrid system capable of tackling specialized tasks.

But, our exploration doesn’t stop here. The theoretical understanding of quantum computing is fascinating, indeed, yet the real allure of this technology lies in its practical applications. In the forthcoming article, we’ll venture further into quantum computers’ potential use cases. We’ll uncover how these powerhouse machines can revolutionize diverse fields, from pharmaceutical research and financial modeling to climate predictions and cryptography. Additionally, we’ll assess the current state of quantum computing and forecast what the future might hold.